March 15, 2011

No News is...

just that.  No news. 

Having Jesse gone for last week was a little traumatic.  Then this week with the earthquake in Japan, I got over myself pretty quick.  Thank you Facebook for keeping me in touch with all of my Tokyo friends.  They're all ok.  But under a lot of stress with all the aftershocks.  Most are taking off to parts unshaken.  My heart goes out to all those who are suffering.

We still don't know what will happen next year for us.  Lots of nibbles, no bites.  And after having yet another cryfest about poor me, I think I'm done.  I think I'm really lucky to have two great kids.  They're not healthy, but a cough and sore throat seem minor.  I have a great husband who agrees with me that doing something grand for our anniversary this year seems more like a headache than a celebration.  We've planned a lunch date.  Somewhere nice (come on Groupon, help me out with this one).   I cleaned up my pantry today and I have plenty of food and toilet paper (1971 Honolulu dock strike, not that I was there but my dad was).  And the house is clean because someone came to look at it so I finally took a load to the recycling center, put empty jars down cellar, and cleaned my room.  I have a lot of big and small things to be grateful for.  So that's the news.  We are well.  We are safe.  We are happy.  We are lucky.  How are you?


  1. Thanks for your wise words and putting things on perspective. You are wise Beyond your years and an inspiration to me with my control freakishness. Is no wonder your kids are amazing. Miss you.

  2. We're out of toilet paper.

    You have a good attitude Bekah. Jesse is lucky you don't care about anniversaries. We're already planning our tenth, mainly because it's the world cup in Brazil.

  3. I miss you too Margaret. You are so kind.
    Da, I grew up with every bathroom cupboard teeming with tp. Not every kid can be so lucky. And I would love to do something fabulous for our anniversary. But it's on a Thursday. We'll take a couple of days this summer and celebrate so we can drop our kids with you or some other fab relative.

  4. Honestly I think that is a beautiful idea. I would love to stay with the girls while you two do something fun. Then we can switch and you guys can watch our kids June 18th on our anniversary. Let's do it.

    I just told Christian he need to buy toilet paper NOW. Good thing we at least have baby wipes.

  5. Limbo is hard, but you handle it with enviable aplomb.

    Happy Anniversary!


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