August 31, 2007


We've been with the Tano part of the family this week. I'm on a borrowed computer, so when I get back on one of ours, I'll put some photos up.

The Tano family got together at the coast, all except Jesse. I have some very cool sisters-in-law. I'm not quite sure how my brothers got such amazing women to marry them, but well done. The kids played at the beach and the bravest surfed. Bone chilling is the only way to describe the water temperature. Oregon is beautiful. I know the weather will get miserable in a couple of months, but for now, it's delightful.

Ben, Yuki, K, Mim, and I floated the Umpqua river two days ago. It's so much fun, I just might do it again. I only wish Jesse could have been there to see Miriam jump off a rock by herself, swim in the river alone (with life vest), and watch me paddle through sunburn alley in a mere 20 minutes.

I just got tickets for the girls and I. We'll arrive in Japan on Sept 12, a week earlier than scheduled. We're feeling a little incomplete sans papa. Thank you Cannells for allowing the reunion to happen a week earlier. We'll be staying with them until our house opens up. The girls are slamming doors, and perhaps running around the backyard. I hate bedtime, and hate it even more when I have to do it.

August 15, 2007

Growing Up

Miriam is growing up. She's the big kid now. She's also trying to negotiate the little kids. They destroy her sand castles. They break her toys. They mess her room up (though she does a fine job of it herself).

But she loves them. She wants to hug them, carry them, kiss them, babysit them. It's amazing to look at her and see what a cool person she's becoming.

August 8, 2007

Swim Lessons

Miriam and Gwyneth finished swimming lessons on Monday. It's amazing how much they learn in such a short time. Miriam is swimming on her back, floating on both her front and back, and swimming with "big arms." Gwyneth is ready for group lessons, she's just too young. She loves jumping in to the pool, loves going under the water, and will swim for a couple of feet on her own.

Gwyn loves her teacher Jada

The best pic of Miriam I could get

Da's sister Iris came to watch. The guy in the background looks familiar
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