September 30, 2007


We went for a walk the other day and found a used/recycled kimono shop close to our house. This is what we got for M. When little girls are 3 and 7, parents take them to a shrine to be blessed. They get dressed in a fancy kimono and get all sorts of treats. I'm not sure if we'll take M, but she has the kimono now. She still needs shoes, socks, and a tie. I don't know if we're up for that part.

Here's a closeup of the fabric. It's not silk, just a synthetic blend, but it's still so much fun. The colors are green, red, pink, silver, black, and white. I love that it's a bit funky, a bit retro, and super fun. I also love chrysanthemums and zinnias.


  1. Mmm. Lovely fabric. You know I love it.

  2. Tell Miriam I love it and want to see her in the complete outfit when she gets it all.

    Tutu Kay


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