January 30, 2008


The weather turned today. It's warmed up a bit and the sun shone warmly for a few hours. I sat on the carpet basking in the sliver of sunlight this afternoon. I actually felt warm in my home for the first time in weeks.

This is my first winter in 14 years! I guess I did have one on my mission, though I was in southern Portugal. I'm not sure if that counts. It has been a LONG time since I've donned gloves and hats and even a coat. Lately, I felt like they're a permanent fixture. The first week was fun and novel. The novelty is over. We're ready for spring, ready for those hot summer days (which will come in full force in no time at all!).

Jesse and I have agreed that we never want to experience winter like this again. If we do, I'd insist on central heating, insulation, some electric blankets, and maybe even heated floors. I'm warming up just thinking of the list. What about a wood stove? Marshmallow anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. I am really ready for winter to be over here. We got more snow last night and instead of noticing how pretty and white everything was, I wanted to cry. It's like it never ends. We miss you guys. Tell M happy Birthday tomorrow (or whatever day it is in Japan) for me.


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