August 27, 2009


After our crazy tour of California and Oregon, we have arrived. There are tons of pictures to share. Tons of stories to tell.

We are exhausted. Monkey keeps losing me in the house. I never thought I'd say this, but my kitchen is too big. I miss my friends. And my family. And Target and Trader Joe's.

Whine, whine, whine.

Here's just some of the good: Everyone I meet is really nice. Monkey may never have to learn how to say her R's. The weather is fantabulous. I have a garage door opener and a new barely used car to park in that garage. We're together as a family.

Pictures to come


  1. yay on arriving. I can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy the weather and all the new space.

  2. woohoo! i really miss you guys. it was so much fun to hang out. maybe i can come visit (totally inviting myself, haha), and take care of the girls while you guys go on a mini-trip ;)

  3. can't wait for pictures. no hurry, however. love your writing.

  4. Congrats on your move. I think you will grow into your kitchen before you know it. I would whine about missing Target, too. Sorry we missed you when you were in Sac. Can't wait to see pictures!

  5. I complain about all the moving we've done but you guys put us to shame. I'm glad you've safely arrived and will wait--mostly patiently--for the pics. And I want a too big kitchen, too.

  6. It sounds fantabulous! I've been thinking about you and wondering when you were going to make it back there. I hope you had fun visiting all your family. The weather here has been stifling.

  7. wish we could all come over for a housewarming party to make use of your big kitchen! The living room looks awesome, I love all the big windows and your curtains. Were they already there or did you just put them up? And congrats on the new car!


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